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Brotherhood Without Manners - A Song of Ice and Fire Re-Read Podcast

Aug 14, 2020

Your favorite full spoiler reread podcast of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, Brotherhood Without Manners is back with our final thoughts on Clash of Kings. 

  • We talk about some of the major themes from the second book.
  • We dive into the parallels of each of the point of view characters we see in Clash.
  • With Storm of Swords now looming ahead we discuss where some of the characters who had point of views in this book are going to be headed in the future.
  • We give a respectful farewell to Clash of Kings as we prepare for the events of the War of the Five Kings to finally come to a head in the third book of the A Song of Ice and Fire series.


As always we give our chapter inductees and read some listener write ins.

All Music credits to Ross Bugden

INSTAGRAM! : (rossbugden)

TWITTER! : (@rossbugden)



Intro Song -