Jun 27, 2019
Brotherhood Without Manners is back with another chapter from George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones. This time we are reading Cat 6.
As Catelyn is escorted by Ser Donnel, they come across Brynden Tully, The Blackfish.
After some reminiscing, Cat leaves her Uncle behind to begin her ascent to the Eyrie.
We talk a bit...
Jun 24, 2019
Brotherhood Without Manners, your full spoiler reread podcast of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire Series is bringing you another chapter from A Game of Thrones.
Ned is in with the Small Council as King Robert informs them that he wants to plan an assassination.
Ned disagrees heavily with the King and they...
Jun 20, 2019
Brotherhood Without Manners brings you one more show based episode. This time we are talking about the show as a whole.
We talk about some of the things that did not live up to our expectations.
We discuss some listener write ins.
Go in depth on some character discussions.
We have a few of our favorites lined up and...
Jun 17, 2019
Brotherhood Without Manners the full spoiler reread podcast of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series is here to read another chapter with you. This time reading Arya 3.
Arya is chasing cats around the Red Keep as part of her dancing classes.
She finds herself in a strange predicament with some...
Jun 13, 2019
Brotherhood Without Manners is back in this full spoiler reread podcast of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire Series, beginning with A Game of Thrones. This episode we are reading Tyrion 4 and it is splendid.
Tyrion gives us a run down of how he came to be in Lady Catelyn's care.
The Imp is absolutely livid...